10 class chapter 3 try Again Answers


Lesson No:-3

Try Again 

BOx Questions

Try again

Q:1. What does the word "persevere" mean?

Ans= The word "persevere" means to remain firm.

Q:2= "If we strive, it is no disgrace" explain this sentence?

Ans= It means if we fail and try again there is no insult.

Q:3= Why is the poet repeating the sentence 'try again'?

Ans= The poet is repeating the sentence "try again" because it is a key to success in life.


Comprehension Questions

Q:1= What is the lesson taught in the first stanza?

Ans We are taught that we will succeed if we try again and again.

Q:2= What can we learn from failure?

Ans= We can learn our weaknesses from failure.

Q:3- How is failure not a disgrace?

Ans= Failure is not a disgrace because it tells about our weak points.

Q:4= How many times should we try and why?

Ans= We should never give up and go on trying till success.

Q5. What should we do  if we find our task hard?

And: If we find our task hard we should try again.

Q:6= Give an example of struggle from your life?

Ans= l failed in my class tests many times but I got very good marks in the Board Examination.

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