Important pair of words of 10 class English

These are the most important pair of words of 10th class.
I have made this list for the users easiness. They can easily make quiz and tests from here. 

1. Advice,  Advise. 
 2. Altar Alter 
3. Angel. Angel
 4. Bail. Bale 
5. Bare. Bear
 6. Birth. Berth
 7. Cool. Cold 
8. Cloth. Clothe
 9. Cell. Sell
 10. Compare. Contrast 
11. Device. Devise
 12. Deny. Refuse 
13. Dairy Diary
 14. Dew Due 
15. Die Dye
 16. Does. Doze
 17. Elder Older
 18. Eligible , Illegible
 19. Except Accept 
20. Feet Feat
 21. Floor Flour 
22. Fair Fare
 23. Foul Fowl 
24. Gate Gait 
25. Goal Gaol
 26. Heal Heel
 27. Healthy Healthful 
28. Idle Idol 
29. Ice Snow 
30. Lose Loose 
31. Letter. Latter
 32. Liar Lawyer 
33. Medal. Meddle 
34. Meat Meet 
35. Metal. Mettle 
36. Marry Merry
 37. Miner Minor 
38. Necessity. Necessary
 39. Profit. Prophet 
40. Principal Principle 
41. Peace. Piece 
42. Pray Prey 
43. Pore Pour 
44. Quiet Quite 
45. Reign. Rain 
46. Role. Roll 
47. Root Route 
48. Story. Story 
49. Sale. Sail 
50. Sink. Drown
 51. Soar Sore 
52. Scene Seen 
53. Team Teem
 54. Urbane Urban 
55. Wine vine
 56. Waste waist
 57. Write Right 
58. Way. Weigh
 59. Weak Week 
60. Affect. Effect
 61. Ice. Snow
 62. Beside Besides 
63. Stationary Stationery
 64. Expect. Hope 
65. Access Excess 
66. People. Peoples 
67. Vain. Vein 
68. Does Doze
 69. Break Brake
 70. Lesson. Lessen 
71. Team. Teem
 72. Altogether All together
  73. Birth Berth 
74. Vale Veil 
75. Flour Floor 
 76. Droop. Drop 
77. Yoke. Yolk 
 78. Bridal. Bridle 
79. Hear listen

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