Functions of Id, Ego and Superego

 Functions of Id, Ego and Superego

Freud breaks down our mental structures into three parts.

       ·        Unconscious

       ·        Pre-conscious

       ·        Conscious

According to Freud, two things affect our behavior;

       ·        Childhood experiences

       ·        Unconscious desires

Look at this iceberg.

Functions of Id, Ego and Superego, conscious unconscious
Conscious, Unconscious mind

The top of the iceberg, which is above the surface of the water, is the conscious part of our mind. So this is everything we are aware of.

The bottom is the unconscious mind. The unconscious is a lot larger than the conscious.  Most of our mind is hidden below the surface.

Functions of Id, Ego and Superego
Id,  Ego, Superego


The first structure of our mind is the id. So the id is located in unconscious mind. And it's the unconscious part of our mind that makes up most of the mind. And it develops right after birth, and demands immediate gratification.


Now, the second part of this structure is the ego.So the ego is part of our conscious and our unconscious mind. But the ego is involved in our perceptions, thoughts, and judgments. And it seeks long-term gratification as opposed to the id's immediate gratification.


The superego develops around the age of four. And it's our moral compass or our conscience.

Function of Id,  Ego, Superego
Function of Id,  Ego, Superego

When Id does not get anything then it really becomes upset, because it's demanding gratification isn't immediately getting it.

We have the superego. Superego is preaching to the id about what's moral.

What about the ego

Well, it's going to be in the middle. Because the id wants gratification and it's going back and forth with the superego.

So the ego is trying to gratify the id, but it also has to take into account what the superego is saying. The superego is moral oversight, which  represents the values of society.

Ego is part of the conscious and the unconscious minds. So it basically acts as a mediator between the unconscious desires of the id and the moral demands of the superego. This is actually an example of a mental conflict.

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