Chapter 6 Tv vs newspapers 10 class English short answers

Lesson No:-6

Television Vs. Newspapers

Box Questions

Q:1= What is one good thing about newspapers?

Ans= The one good thing about newspapers is that we can read them at any time of the day.

Q:2= How does television make us lazy?

Ans= Television makes us lazy because we can watch it without any effort.

Q3= Have you ever given your views on any article?

And: No, I have not given my views on any article.

Q:4= Which simile has the author used and why?

Ans= The author has used the simile of a fast food and a ten course dinner to explain their difference.

Reading is more convenient or watching
Watching vs reading 

Comprehension Questions

Q:1= How is a newspaper more convenient medium of news?

Ans= A newspaper is more convenient medium of news because we can take it

any place and read it any time.

Q:2= How does a viewer get restricted while watching TV news?

Ans= A viewer gets restricted while watching TV news because if he leaves the place, he may miss some important news.

Q:3= In what way viewing news on TV is easier than reading a newspaper?

Ans= Viewing news on TV is easier than reading a newspaper because viewing news on TV needs little effort and skill of language.

Q:4= How do newspapers give us more in-depth coverage?

Ans= Newspapers give us more in-depth coverage through detailed news and


Q:5= Why do some people read more than one newspapers?

Ans= Some people read more than one newspapers to get different viewpoints and truth of news.

Q:6= How can readers give feedback to the newspaper articles?

Ans= Readers can give feedback to the newspaper articles by writing to the forum pages.

Q:7= Which medium do you prefer for news ? Why?

Ans= I prefer T. V because it gives us latest news round the clock.

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