Chapter 5 the rain short answers questions of ten class English

Lesson No:-5

The Rain

Rain poem
Rain on leaves 

Box Questions

Q:1= What do the rich and the poor leaves stand for?

Ans= The rich and the poor leaves stand for the rich and the poor people of the society.

Q:2= Do you also like the sun coming out after rain? Why?

Ans= Yes, I like it because it is lovely and bright.

Comprehension Questions

Q:1= What does the poet hear?

Ans= The poet hears leaves drinking rain water.

Q:2= What according to the poet is a sweet noise?

Ans= According to the poet the noise of falling rain on leaves is a Sweet noise.

Q:3= What will happen after the rain stops?

Ans= After the rain stops, the sun will shine.

Q:4= How does the sun come out after the rain?

Ans= After the rain, the sun will come out of the clouds and shine brightly.

Q:5= How does the light fill the drops?

Ans= The light fills the drops with sunlight.

Q:6= What makes the scene lovely?

Ans= After the rain, the sunshine makes the scene lovely.

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